Learn Chigirie with Joan Mead-Matsui is not about a project kit, video, or a course you buy from me and tackle on your own.
There are more than enough project kits available for sale on the internet. But what happens after you buy a kit and start your own project in the comfort of your home?
Don’t give up! Join the Learn Chigirie HUB.
Chances are you’ll sit alone in your workspace and work day-after-day without artistic support. Eventually, you’ll feel isolated and frustrated when your project doesn’t look like your instructor’s sample, particularly when you dive into a “landscape” or a complicated design.
You might want to throw in the towel once you encounter a snag or your creation looks muddy or overworked. My HUB is an online studio you can return to day after day and month after month to work together with me and other members who want to share and collaborate. You’ll have access to see the projects I’m working and in-depth discussions about everything from the paper and palette.
It’s non-stop learning with a guide and instructor who has spent 25 years focusing on developing her own style while successfully selling hundreds of pieces of her art.
Through years of teaching Japanese paper art to children and adults, I’ve learned teaching isn’t about presenting students with a video and expecting them to become overnight sensations.
Teaching is offering guided learning that also immerses students in the ART and CULTURE and the principles of the indigenous peoples who have practiced the medium for centuries.
Do you know the principles of Japanese art?
I’ll also teach you everything I’ve learned in my journey as the owner and founder of Mrs. Matsui’s Origami (handmade paper creations), a business that dates to 1996 when my website was one of the premier sites on the internet, otherwise known as the dark ages of the internet.
Who wants to create art for art’s sake when you can add your own touch of authenticity?
Membership Benefits
Learn Chigirie is a 24/7 HUB with access to everything you’ll need.
Here’s some of what I offer.
a step-by-step project set-up guide;
group discussions;
Ask questions, receive an answer;
guidance and on-going instruction for the Chigirie projects you’re working on;
Project outlines (especially important for members who have hit a roadblock or can’t decide what they’re next project will be;
seasonal project inspiration and ideas;
assistance with choosing tools and supplies;
monthly guests who support your learning;
and resources for selecting the perfect paper.
The HUB is a mentorship because we all know how important a mentor is when you’re trying something new.
Perhaps, choosing your own project and paper seems daunting but learning how to see through your own eyes is what carries you beyond the first lesson.
The Chigirie online classroom is about learning from the ground floor up and soaring to the sky’s the limit.
Imagine having an experienced guide and instructor who understands the frustrations artists encounter.
Learn Chigirie with Joan Mead-Matsui is the inspiration you need to get started and