Category Archives: Challenge your creativity

Chigirie Tip of the Week

Chigirie transforms a serving tray from bland to beautiful with washi art

5 Ways To Decorate With Chigirie Chigirie Tip: Transform, Repurpose and Embellish Learn Chigirie with Joan Mead-Matsui Chances are you have some items in your home you don’t want to throw out. Are they gathering dust? Packed away and forgotten? Chigirie makes an extraordinary holiday, hostess, or special occasion gift. My Chigirie Tip of the Week shows you where to find those project ideas that are right under your nose. Lampshades, decorative serving trays, wooden […]

Chigirie Tip of the Week

Chigirie pumpkins, gourds, and Fall Splendor are the perfect fall theme for your next Chigirie

Surround Yourself With Collage Art Chigirie For All Rooms Look Around You…What do you see today? Chigirie Tip of the Week for October 1, 2019, directly ties into the changing landscape. Add a Personal Touch I’ve never been one to buy art prints although I own a few prints by famous artists like Andrew Wyeth. My love for original paintings and paper collage is one of the reasons I create my own Chigirie, Japanese Torn […]

Create Chigirie: Tuesday Chigirie Tip

Joan Mead-Matsui Tuesday Chigirie Tip

Are there other exceptions when you’ll want to cut rather than tear? Not all Washi and other varieties of paper you’ll use are easy to tear.

Chigirie: Depth and Perspective

Chigirie by Joan Matsui Tuesday Chigirie Tip

Japanese Paper Tearing Art with the “Chigirie Tip of the Week“ From the beginning to the completion of a Chigirie collage, a variety of pre-dyed paper is used in place of paint and applied to the palette of your choice so the papers gently blend together. Chigirie: Depth and Perspective is your Tuesday Tip of the Week. A student recently asked me about the type of paper she should use to make her design stand […]

Create Beautiful Chigirie

Weekly Chigirie Tutorial Join Joan Mead-Matsui, your Chigirie instructor and resident artist. Joan is a master Chigirie artist and the founder of one of the premier Chigirie learning sites and galleries on the web. She founded 25 years ago and since then, has taught adult and children’s Japanese paper craft classes. Get Started! In much the same way you would build a structure from the ground up, the same holds true for an art […]